Fair Trade at the heart of Artisanne Baskets
Fair Trade principles are at the heart of Artisanne’s business.
We work directly – without middlemen – with our talented weavers in Senegal to ensure no one else is taking a cut and that we know who is working for us. We are committed to the women’s development and empowerment.
Over the years through our visits we have built up strong relationships with the weavers that allow them to discuss issues and concerns with us face to face. For example, during the summer two years ago there was a drought and the cost of the grasses went up 30%. Each basket is handwoven using locally grown and sourced grasses, some like the Alibaba taking up to a week to weave. The weavers came directly to us very concerned but we were able to cover the that cost.
Artisanne adheres to the ten principles of Fair Trade which are as follows: to seek to create opportunities for disadvantaged producers by means of fair trade practices and accountability. This involves payment of a fair wage, no child or forced labour, gender equity, lack of discrimination, good working conditions, and respect for the environment.
Further information about Fair Trade and how you can as a consumer support companies that are committed to Fair Trade can be found as https://bafts.org.uk/